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Osho Quotes

Never suppress any thought, or fight with it.
Otherwise you will never be without it.
Fight it, and you invite it more.
Suppress it, and it will be back with double force.
I have heard that someone advertised something for women but with the heading, ONLY FOR MEN,
and it is reported that out of ninety thousand women who came across it eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-four read the advertisement.
The other six were blind.

If one is aware of the present moment then one also becomes aware of the fact that there is no ME inside.
The me is my past, the me is the dead past.
The me is not my life because it is not living.
The ego can exist only in the past or in the future – which is nothing but a projection of the past;
that is why awareness, moment to moment awareness, leads to egolessness:
because the ego cannot exist in the present and because awareness cannot exist except in the present.
So they both cannot exist simultaneously.
Ego is unawareness and awareness is egolessness.

You say you feel broken.
It would be better if you broke down completely and disappeared.
That which is will always be the case and that which has become is bound to vanish.
Becoming always leads to dissolution so do not try to save yourself.
One who loses himself goes beyond life and death, and he who saves himself is lost.
You are busy saving yourself and that is why you are afraid of breaking down.
But what is there to save?
And that which is worth saving is already saved.

Don’t be in a hurry.
So often, hurrying causes delay.
As you thirst, wait patiently – the deeper the waiting the sooner it comes.
You have sown the seed, now sit in the shade and watch what happens.
The seed will break, it will blossom, but you cannot speed the process.
Doesn’t everything need time?
Work you must, but leave the results to God.
Nothing in life is ever wasted, especially steps taken towards truth.
But at times impatience comes, impatience comes with thirst, but this is an obstacle.
Keep the thirst and throw the impatience.
Do not confuse impatience with thirst.
With thirst there is yearning but no struggle with impatience there is struggle but no yearning.
With longing there is waiting but no demanding with impatience there is demanding but no waiting.
With thirst there are silent tears with impatience there is restless struggle.
Truth cannot be raided, it is attained through surrender not through struggle.
It is conquered through total surrender.

You have asked me about sense of humour.
We can talk about it in detail when we meet but first of all:
the sense of humour should be directed towards oneself – it is a very great thing to laugh at oneself and he who can laugh at himself gradually becomes full of concern and compassion for others.
In the entire world no event, no subject, invites laughter like oneself.
About the truth of dreams as well we shall have to talk in detail.
Some dreams are definitely true.
As the mind quietens down glimpses of truth begin to appear in dreams.
Dreams are of four kinds
– those concerned with past lives,
– those concerned with the future,
– those concerned with the present,
– and those concerned with repressed desires.
Contemporary psychology knows something about the fourth type only.
I am glad to know that your mind moves towards being at peace.
Mind is what we want it to be, peace and restlessness are both our own creations.
Man binds himself with his own chains and so he is always at liberty to become free of the mind.


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