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Showing posts from September, 2012

Quotes for Success

We can do anything we want to, if we stick to it long enough. - Helen Keller I am not just here to make a living; i am here to make a life. - Helice Bridges Success is the prize for those who stand to true to their ideas. - John S. Hinds You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you do not try. - Beverly Sills Your dreams minus your doubts equals your true worth. - Anonymous

Quotes for Success

No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals. - Brain Tracy To be a leader you must stand for something, or you will fall for anything. - Anthony Pagano Courage is facing your fears. Stupidity is fearing nothing. - Todd Bellemare Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance. - Dr. Samuel Johnson Victory is always possible for person who refuses to stop fighting. - Napoleon Hill

Quotes for Success

You don't pay the price for success. You enjoy the price for success. - Zig Ziglar What distinguishes us from one another is our dreams and what we do to manifest them. - Joseph Epstein It takes a person who is wide awake to make his dream come true. - Roger Ward Babson You got to have a dream! If you don't have a dream how are you gonna make them come true? - Oscar Hammerstien, II With our dreams and aspirations we find our opportunities. - Anonymous

Atharva Veda Quotes

Do not entertain bad thoughts and do bad deeds. Life is holy and sacred. Go through it with joy and happiness. Do not carry gloomy, unhappy faces. Happiness is union with God. This period of your life is sacred. If you cannot derive happiness and live in Bliss at this age, can you be blissful when you grow old? Now, you have only two legs to carry; you can jump about freely. But when you marry and rear up a family, you will move like a caterpillar with many legs! -Atharva Veda At night, when you retire to sleep, feel that you are entering the green-room after the scene, but with the dress of your role on; for perhaps the role is not yet over and you have not yet been permitted to take the dress off. Perhaps, you have to make another entrance the next morning. Do not worry about that. Place yourself fully at His Disposal; He knows; He has written the play and He knows how it will end and how it will go on; Yours is but to act and retire. -Atharva Veda You are like ...