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Showing posts from June, 2018

Sadhguru Quotes

If you seek security in life, unknowingly you seek death. The only truly secure place is your grave. Sadhguru You come into this world with nothing and you go empty-handed. The wealth of life lies in how you allow its experiences to enrich you. Sadhguru Yoga is about attaining to absolute Balance, piercing Clarity, and an inexhaustible Exuberance. With this, you are immensely fit for life. Sadhguru To perform the right kind of karma, you need a dharma. Sadhguru Spiritual process means to be on fire. Peace will happen when you ‘rest in peace. Sadhguru

Sadhguru Quotes

Prayer means you are trying to tell God what to do. Meditation means you understand your limitations and shut up. Sadhguru On one level, spiritual process means to become like a mountain – stable, still. Only when somebody has a very stable base, many things can be done. Sadhguru If you know this piece of life in its absolute nature, by inference you know almost everything that’s worth knowing. Sadhguru You are responsible for everything that you are and everything that you are not. Sadhguru

Life and death

If you are not willing to live, then you are welcome to leave the world.

Sadhguru Quotes

When you laugh at someone, you laugh at creation and the Creator. It is not out of joy – it is a sickness. Sadhguru Look clearly and deeply - beyond all compulsions of your body and mind - what it is that you really want to do, and just do it. Sadhguru The quality and quantity of your harvest is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of your striving. Sadhguru If you keep your pride, your ego, and your self-significance down, you will become available to Grace. Sadhguru Every action you perform is a contribution to some aspect of this world. Being conscious of that should keep you inspired. Sadhguru

Sadhguru Quotes

If you know how to handle your thoughts and emotions, there will be no such thing as anxiety, stress, or tension for you. Sadhguru There is so much of life which can never be explained – it can only be experienced. Sadhguru Karma means you are the maker of your life. Sadhguru When people live together without understanding each other, their survival instinct turns everything into a fight. Sadhguru Human beings are thinking too much of themselves. We are just a small part of what is happening here. Sadhguru